19.12.2006 | 14:34
Kynlķf er kannski ekki svo slęmt eftir allt saman?
Žaš var forvitnilegt aš lesa um įrlegu Bad Sex in Fiction Prize" eša slęmu kynlķfslżsingaveršlaunin, sem stofnaš var til af rithöfundinum og ritstjóra Literary Review, Auberon Waugh heitnum, og var ętlunin aš sporna viš óžarfa kynlķfslżsingum ķ skįldsögum.
Ég leyfi mér aš efast um aš veršlaunin skili tilętlušum įrangri, žvķ óvķst er aš veršlaunahafinn ķ įr, Ian Hollingshead, eigi aftur į rithöfundaferlinum eftir aš vekja ašra eins athygli.
Hollingshead er yngsti veršlaunahafinn frį upphafi, 25 įra, og fékk veršlaunin afhent af Courtney Love fyrir sķna fyrstu skįldsögu, Twenty Something. Žaš voru oršin "bulging trousers" sem tryggšu honum žennan vafasama heišur og nś bunga buxur fréttastjóra um allan heim, danskra, žżskra, enskra og jafnvel frį löndum óskiljanlegra hrognamįla.
En hvernig hljómar óskapnašurinn? Svo gripiš sé nišur ķ Twenty Something:
I can feel her breasts against her chest. I cup my hands round her face and start to kiss her properly. She slides one of her slender legs in between mine.
"Oh Jack," she was moaning now, her curves pushed up against me, her crotch taut against my bulging trousers, her hands gripping fistfuls of my hair.
She reaches for my belt. I groan too, in expectation. And then I'm inside her, and everything is pure white as we're lost in a commotion of grunts and squeaks, flashing unconnected images and explosions of a million little particles.
Morgunblašiš reiš į vašiš meš žżšingu į hjartnęmasta augnabliki lżsingarinnar, gauragangi stunda og tķsts, blossandi ótengdum myndum og sprengingu milljóna lķtilla agna."
En spurning vaknar hvort kynlķfiš sé nokkuš svo slęmt eftir allt saman. Sjįlfur segist höfundurinn ķ pistli į Telegraph ekki hafa haft įhyggjur af tilnefningunni, žar sem rithöfundar į borš viš Melvyn Bragg, Alan Titchmarsh, Tom Wolfe, AA Gill og Giles Coren séu į mešal žeirra sem hafi unniš veršlaunin. Og ķ gegnum tķšina hafi veriš tilnefndir: Gabriel Garcķa Mįrquez, Paul Theroux, John Updike og Salman Rushdie.
Og Hollingshead gefur raunar ekki mikiš fyrir listina aš skrifa um kynlķf: And, in any case, writing about sex is rather more technical, and less fun, than doing it. Either you descend into flowery metaphor or you indulge in the naming of parts"."
Ķ raun er žetta enn eitt dęmiš um aš inngrip ķ hegšun fólks snśist upp ķ andhverfu sķna. Aušvitaš munu veršlaunin hafa žveröfug įhrif og rithöfundar bęta inn ķ sögur sķnar algjörlega tilgangslausum lżsingum af kynlķfi ķ žeirri von aš žeir vinni veršlaunin og fįi knśs frį Courtney Love og hennar lķkum. Višbrögš śtgefandans Peter Mayer benda til žess, en hann sagši žegar honum bįrust tķšindin: We're bulging with pride at the stand-out quality of our author's libidinal literary efforts. Every part of our international publishing family is standing up and saluting young Iain."
Best aš ljśka žessum pistli į śrdrętti śr verkum höfunda sem unniš hafa sķšustu įrin. Ef menn stśdera stķlbrögšin eiga menn kannski séns į aš vinna veršlaunin einhvern tķma ķ framtķšinni, - og meika žaš?
Sean Thomas įriš 2000 fyrir Kissing England:
She is so small and so compact, and yet she has all the necessary features... Shall I compare thee to a Sony Walkman, thou are more compact and more
She is his own Toshiba, his dinky little JVC, his sweet Aiwa.
Aiwa - She says, as he enters her slimy red-peppers-in-olive-oil cunt - Aiwa, aiwa aiwa aiwa aiwa aiwa aiwa aiwa aiwa aiwa aiwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
Christopher Hart įriš 2001 fyrir Rescue Me
Her hand is moving away from my knee and heading north. Heading unnervingly and with a steely will towards the pole. And, like Sir Ranulph Fiennes, Pamela will not easily be discouraged. I try twitching, and then shaking my leg, but to no avail. At last, disastrously, I try squeezing her hand painfully between my bony thighs, but this only serves to inflame her ardour the more. Ever northward moves her hand, while she smiles languorously at my right ear. And when she reaches the north pole, I think in wonder and terror...she will surely want to pitch her tent.
Wendy Perriam įriš 2002 fyrir Tread Softly
She closed her eyes, saw his dark-as-treacle-toffee eyes gazing down at her. Weirdly, he was clad in pin-stripes at the same time as being naked. Pin-stripes were erotic, the uniform of fathers, two-dimensional fathers. Even Mr Hughes's penis had a seductive pin-striped foreskin. Enticingly rough yet soft inside her. The jargon he'd used at the consultation had become bewitching love-talk: '... dislocation of the second MTPJ ... titanium hemi-implant ...'
'Yes!' she whispered back. 'Dorsal subluxation ... flexion deformity of the first metatarsal ...'
They were building up a rhythm, an electrifying rhythm - long, fierce, sliding strokes, interspersed with gasping cries.
'Wait,' Ralph panted. 'let's do it the other way.' Swiftly he withdrew, arranged her on her hands and knees and knelt above her on the bed. It was even better that way - tighter, more exciting. She cupped his pin-striped balls, felt him thrust more urgently in response.
Anruddah Bahal įriš 2003 fyrir Bunker 13
She sandwiches your nozzle between her tits, massaging it with a slow rhythm. A trailer to bookmark the events ahead. For now she has taken you in her lovely mouth. Your palms are holding her neck and thumbs are at her ears regulating the speed of her head as she swallows and then sucks up your machinery.
She is topping up your engine oil for the cross-country coming up. Your RPM is hitting a new high. To wait any longer would be to lose prime time...
She picks up a Bugatti's momentum. You want her more at a Volkswagen's steady trot. Squeeze the maximum mileage out of your gallon of gas. But she's eating up the road with all cylinders blazing.
Tom Wolfe įriš 2004 fyrir I am Charlotte Simmons:
Slither slither slither slither went the tongue, but the hand that was what she tried to concentrate on, the hand, since it has the entire terrain of her torso to explore and not just the otorhinolaryngological caverns - oh God, it was not just at the border where the flesh of the breast joins the pectoral sheath of the chest - no, the hand was cupping her entire right - Now! She must say 'No, Hoyt' and talk to him like a dog...
Giles Coren įriš 2005 fyrir Winkler:
And he came hard in her mouth and his dick jumped around and rattled on her teeth and he blacked out and she took his dick out of her mouth and lifted herself from his face and whipped the pillow away and he gasped and glugged at the air, and he came again so hard that his dick wrenched out of her hand and a shot of it hit him straight in the eye and stung like nothing he'd ever had in there, and he yelled with the pain, but the yell could have been anything, and as she grabbed at his dick, which was leaping around like a shower dropped in an empty bath, she scratched his back deeply with the nails of both hands and he shot three more times, in thick stripes on her chest. Like Zorro.
Mį ég žį heldur bišja um Bósa sögu og Herraušs. Kannski Dr. Sżngmann hafi hitt naglann į höfušiš ķ Kristnihaldi undir jökli: Aš elska, er žaš ekki undanfari hvķlubragša; eitthvaš bundiš viš kynfęrin; žegar best gegnir hjónabandstragedķa mešal apa."
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Fékk hann einhvern pening ķ veršlaun, bikar eša var žetta bara heišurinn?
TómasHa, 19.12.2006 kl. 22:18
Fékk hann einhvern pening ķ veršlaun, bikar eša var žetta bara heišurinn?
TómasHa, 19.12.2006 kl. 22:18
Fékk hann einhvern pening ķ veršlaun, bikar eša var žetta bara heišurinn?
TómasHa, 19.12.2006 kl. 22:19
Hmm, verš aš višurkenna aš ég veit ekki afhverju žetta birtist svona oft! Žaš var eitthvaš sambandsleysi viš mbl... ég vona bara aš žessi birtist ķ 1 eintaki.
TómasHa, 19.12.2006 kl. 22:23
Hollingshead fékk vķst styttu sem er "tįknręn fyrir kynlķf į sjötta įratugnum", hvaš sem žaš nś žżšir. Styttan sést į myndinni, en er afar ógreinileg. Svo fékk hann kampavķn. Og dašursfullt knśs frį Courtney Love, sem er tįknręn fyrir kynlķf į tķunda įratugnum.
Pétur Blöndal, 19.12.2006 kl. 23:47
Gaman aš žvķ aš Hollingshead skuli vitna óbeint ķ ljóšiš Naming of Parts eftir Henry Reed sem birtist ķ New Statesman ķ įgśst 1942 - afskaplega skemmtileg (og erótķsk) lżsing į atriši ķ heržjįlfun. Lęt žaš fylgja, en žaš og fleiri ljóš mį lesa hér.
To-day we have naming of parts. Yesterday,
We had daily cleaning. And to-morrow morning,
We shall have what to do after firing. But to-day,
To-day we have naming of parts. Japonica
Glistens like coral in all of the neighboring gardens,
And to-day we have naming of parts.
This is the lower sling swivel. And this
Is the upper sling swivel, whose use you will see,
When you are given your slings. And this is the piling swivel,
Which in your case you have not got. The branches
Hold in the gardens their silent, eloquent gestures,
Which in our case we have not got.
This is the safety-catch, which is always released
With an easy flick of the thumb. And please do not let me
See anyone using his finger. You can do it quite easy
If you have any strength in your thumb. The blossoms
Are fragile and motionless, never letting anyone see
Any of them using their finger.
And this you can see is the bolt. The purpose of this
Is to open the breech, as you see. We can slide it
Rapidly backwards and forwards: we call this
Easing the spring. And rapidly backwards and forwards
The early bees are assaulting and fumbling the flowers:
They call it easing the Spring.
They call it easing the Spring: it is perfectly easy
If you have any strength in your thumb: like the bolt,
And the breech, and the cocking-piece, and the point of balance,
Which in our case we have not got; and the almond-blossom
Silent in all of the gardens and the bees going backwards and forwards,
For to-day we have naming of parts.
Įrni Matthķasson , 20.12.2006 kl. 14:49
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.